Being Humane! What do you mean ?

Let me start with a story of two people who worked for 65+ years.

Chapter 1 | The Retirement Party

It started with the routine, emails and meeting invites. Since being new to the place, I was wondering why everyone is so hyped up for a retirement party while also lot of feeling sad talks. But eventually I realized, they are working with all these people for more than 65 years. So, I was interested to see what is it going to be like on a retirement party.

Finally, after a waiting for a month from when I got the invite I was now ready satisfy my curiosity. As I walked into the party there were people already drinking, eating, chatting and dancing. Few hours past as people started to leave and others who cared and wanted stayed on.

As if someone read my mind, the group starts talking about why everyone cares for both of them and it’s sad to see them go. In their entire career these people connected, inspired and cared for every single person who was on boarded to the organization. They were the cry boxes and flush your frustration friends who helped a lot of colleagues and co-workers personally and professionally.

Chapter 2 | Connecting with people

When I heard other people talk about being cared for and getting helped emotionally. I started to recollect how did they work with me. Being new to this Organization, I realized they had been trying to connect, care for me and help me get used to the place and people.

It was clear to me once again. As I always believe, connecting with people doesn’t mean getting a new contact in your address book. It is caring for them and representing yourself as being available when in need.

So, all the tears and sad faces I saw on the retirement of those two people. It was nothing both the care and love they shared with everyone at work.

Final Thoughts

Inspire yourself and others. If I could as everyone to consider something, it will be.

Spread joy, even if it means just smiling back at someone who passes by.

Inspiring yourself and others doesn’t have to be represented by professional or financial growth. It can even be done with a simple smile and mere care for others.

Peace out !!